Pitch Showcase

featuring 31 high tech teams in the 2021 MITEF Technology Accelerator

@ 18.30 EET on Wednesday, 5 May 2021


Sign up now!

MIT Enterprise Forum Greece proudly invites you to participate through Live Streaming in the upcoming Perfect Pitch Live Streaming, on Wednesday, 5 May 2021, from 18:30 to 19:30. 

Please join us at our transformed event: The Perfect Pitch Showcase is offered via Live Streaming, in response to the security and health issues caused by the COVID 19/ Corona virus. Just as technology helps companies to operate efficiently and profitably, we will leverage the power of the Internet to offer our annual Perfect Pitch Event as an interactive event online. 

Please connect and us and our 31 Semifinalists as they pitch live in front of the Live Streaming audience. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet the entrepreneurs, learn about their innovative technologies, and support the ongoing process of transforming their ideas into world-changing companies.


16:30-17:00 - Join the event

17:00-17:10 - Welcome by MIT Enterprise Forum
                              Gerassimos Spyridakis, MITEF Greece Chairman

17:40-17:50 – Welcome by Hellenic Petroleum

17:50-18:00 - Remarks by Linda Plano

18:00-19:30 - 5 minutes pitch by the 22 Semifinalists and Q&A 

Moderator: Linda Plano, Founder of Plano & Simple